With a completely new design compared to Windows 10, some features of Windows 11 have also changed. And the Set defaults for apps feature also has some changes that you should be aware of.

In this article, QTitHow will guide you how to set defaults for apps: Browser, Email and Video Player. Let us talk about it one by one in detail, starting from Browser.

To change the default app in Windows 11, as per your choice, execute the following steps:

Open the Settings  > Apps on the left, and then click Default apps.


How to Set as a default browser in Windows 11

For Windows 11, unlike Windows 10 that you only need click to choose Browser by default, here you need to click the protocols one by one to set a browser as default. Please see the steps below:

Step 1: Choose your Browser, which you want to make as the default.
Step 2: Next let's set default file types or link types. Example: .htm, .html (These are the common types when browsing the web).



How to Change Default Mail Client in Windows 11

Like the Browser, you need to change the file types and protocols for a Mail Client – detailed steps below. 

Step 1: Choose your Mail application (example Outlook), which you want to make as the default. Click it.
Step 2: Change all the associated file types to Outlook one by one.



How to change default Video Player in Windows 11

For Video Player, like the Browser and Mail Client, you need to change the associated  file Type. To change the default app for Video Playback, see: 

Step 1: Choose your Video Player, which you want to make as the default. Click it.
Step 2: Change the associated file types like 3GP, MP4 etc to the desired app, VLC in this case. Click OK.
Step 3: Continue changing the file types until the end.


Repeat the steps for other categories, like Maps, Audio playback, etc. These steps can help you change the default apps in Windows 11.


Through this we can see that changing the default application on Windows 11 is quite difficult and complicated. Perhaps this is the part that Microsoft needs to improve in the next updates.
If have any question, please comment as below. Hope this article will help you when using Windows 11 !