Unlike Windows 10, Windows 11 currently does not have News and Interests functionality. This is an interesting and useful feature for users on Windows 10.
However, with Windows 11 you will not see this feature anymore. Instead are Weather, News, Top Stories... located in the Widget. This article will help you display the Weather feature on Windows 11 with just a few basic steps.

How to do:

To display the Weather feature on the Taskbar, please install the Taskbar in the middle of the screen as the default below. If the Taskbar is on the left side of the screen. Please reinstall it.  


How to move Taskbar & Start Menu to the left or center in Windows 11


Make sure the taskbar is installed at the center of the screen.

Step 1: Right click to Taskbar. Choose Taskbar settings.



Step 2: Go to Personalization on the left side, and then find to Taskbar items.

Step 3: Please turn on Widgets. Please wait 1-2 mintutes to system to update Weather widget on left corner side.


Turn on Widgets

 Weather info will be display on the left side of Taskbar


With 3 simple steps, you can enable or disable the Weather feature as you like. If this post help to you, please like and share it. Thank you.